
Nominees may be active, retired or former officers, warrant officers or enlisted Soldiers who have graduated from the Civil Affairs, Psychological Operations or Special Forces qualification courses (or been awarded the Special Forces tab) and have served in their respective regiment. Nominees must have made significant contributions to the success of their regiment on the battlefield and/or to the training and qualification of new members of the regiment. For more information, click here


Distinguished Member of the Regiment

Award:Rank:Name:Year Inducted
DMORMAJAmbrozak, Raymond P.2016
DMORCPTAsti, Robert2014
DMORLTCAvedon, Herbert2016
DMORCOLAyers, Glenn2012
DMOR1SGBarton, Donald C.2021
DMORCOLBlankenhorn, Heber2014
DMORCOLBoyd, Curtis2011
DMORCOLBranham, John J. IV2017
DMORLTCBuehring, Charles "Chad"2014
DMORCOLBurke, Dorothea M.2021
DMORBGBurley, Edward G.2020
DMORCSMCarney, Steven L.2010
DMORCSMCondroski, John A.2015
DMORCPTDeGrazia, Alfred J.2014
DMORCOLDevlin, Daniel D.2017
DMOR1LTEdelman, Daniel J.2023
Elwell, Douglas2014
DMORCOLFedorchak, Scott2012
DMORMAJFitzpatrick, Timothy F.2014
DMORCSMGroover, Robert S.2022
DMORCOLGuy, Jack Jr.2010
DMORLTCHerczeg, Stephen J.2017
DMORCSMHeupel, Neil C.2021
DMORMSGHill, Timothy L.2014
DMORCOLHobbs, Miguel B.2018
DMOR2LTJanowitz, Morris2015
DMOR1LTJenks, Robert D.2020
DMORCOLJones, Jeffrey B.2012
DMORLTCJordan, Douglas E.2020
DMORBGKarlstad, Charles H.2015
DMORLTCKelliher, James P.2018
DMORCOLLeyda, Christopher2014
DMORLTCLunt, Alfred2018
DMORCOLMarkham, John E.2016
DMORMGMcClure, Robert A.2013
DMORLTCMilam, Thomas A.2013
DMORCOLPaddock, Alfred H.2010
DMORCPLPodoski Lauwers, Barbara2015
DMORCOLSeidl, Michael K.2021
DMORCOLSpringett, Richard D. 2023
DMORCOLSt. John, Christopher E.2011
DMORCSMStein, Michael W.2012
DMORCOLTimmes, Thomas A.2013
DMORCOLTreadwell, James A.2015
DMORMSGVernon-Spivey, Carrie2020
DMORCOLWaple, Louis A.2016
DMORCSMWhittaker, Rudy2010

​Regimental Awards

​MG Robert A. McClure Award

The Regimental Honors, Awards and Affiliation Program is intended to recognize those who have contributed to the welfare of the Civil Affairs, Special Forces and Psychological Operations regiments, active or reserve component, as Department of the Army civilians, or in a private capacity. The program further serves as a link between members of the regiments currently serving and those who have separated from service, but continue to advance the interests of their respective regiments. These recognized individuals serve as role models, advocates and public examples to all members of the regiments. Through their sterling example, they enhance unit morale, cohesion and esprit, and promote the war-fighting ethos, unwavering sense of pride and selfless service of today's Soldiers.

Honorary Member of the Regiment

Award:Rank:Name:Year Inducted

23rd Headquarters Special Troops

"Ghost Army"

HMORCivilianAmbrose, Debra L.2018
HMORCivilianArmstrong, Matthew C.2016
HMORDr.Archer, Ronald P.2020
HMORCivilianBain, Caryn2014
HMORCSMBishop, Earnest M.2015
HMORCivilianBorstelmann, Mari2010
HMORCivilianChampagne, David2010
HMORCOLDeAtkine, Norvell B.2022
Elwell, Douglas2011
HMORCivilianFranco, Zoraida2014
HMORCivilianGardner, Norman2011
HMORCivilianGilfus, Lynn R.2015
HMORCSMHedges, Thomas
HMORMSGKazik, James J.2021
HMORMSGLaFosse, Aubrey L.2021
HMORMGLengyel, Gregory J.2018
HMORCivilianO'Brien, Pat2019
HMORCivilianOrme, Gregory J.2018
HMORCOLSorenson, NIlls C.2013
HMORCivilianThomas, M.A.2019
HMORDr.Tracey, Jared M.2019
HMORCivilianTyner, Edward2013

MG Robert A. McClure Medallion

Award:Rank:Name:Year Awarded

Alexander, Chad T.

Silver​LTCAllen, David J.2021
BronzeSSGAlvarez, Jose M.2012
Gold w/DMORMAJAmbrozak, Raymond P.2016
BronzeMAJAmsley, Christopher W.2021
BronzeCPTAnderson, Nicholas K.2012
SilverCSMAnderson, Justin W.2021
BronzeMAJAnderson, Bryan R.2022
BronzeLTCAnger, Bert W.2011
BronzeSFCArnebeck, Erin L.2012
Gold w/DMORCPTAsti, Robert2014
Gold w/DMORCPTAvedon, Herbert2016
BronzeSFCAvellanet, David2012
Gold w/DMORCOLAyers, Glenn2012
BronzeMSGAzbill, Adrian G.2022
BronzeSFCBailey, Jonathon D.2012
BronzeMAJBaker, Tyler D.2022
BronzeMSGBaldwin, Chad2019
BronzeSFCBarber, Shawn E.2013
BronzeMs.Barbour, Theresa L.2021
SilverCOLBarger, Michael2016
SilverCOLBarklay, Chadwick D.2014
Gold w/DMOR1SGBarton, Donald C.2021
Silver1SGBartram, Perry M.2022
Bronze1SGBasham, Joshua A.2021
BronzeMAJBassinger, Brett A.2011
BronzeSGMBeaty, Matthew E.2020
SilverMAJBegley, Joseph E.2018
BronzeLTCBehler, Kevin M.2022
SilverCSMBeidleman, George R.2011
SilverMSGBell, George T.2018
BronzeMSGBennett, Avery K.2021
Bronze1SGBergstad, John P.2014
SilverLTCBerninger, Barbara A.2021
BronzeMSGBerrios, Samuel2021
Bronze1SGBilliott, Daniel E.2013
BronzeMSGBlack, Jeffrey D.2022
BronzeCSMBland, Timothy2016
GoldCSMBland, Timothy2019
Gold w/DMORCOLBlankenhorn, Heber2013
SilverLTCBloom, Bradley D.2022
BronzeMAJBlum, Steven C.2022
BronzeCPTBoehnert, John M.2013
BronzeMSGBologa, John W.2022
GoldCOLBrochini, Charles P.2014
GoldCOLBostick, Reginald2016
SilverMSGBowers, Jamal H.2012
BronzeMSGBowman, Kenneth A.2021
BronzeMSGBoyce, Scott2018
Gold w/DMORCOLBoyd, Curtis2011
BronzeMAJBrady, James J. Jr.2012
Gold w/DMORCOLBraham, John2017
BronzeMAJBranthoover, Michael T.2022
GoldCSMBreeding, WIlliam O.2020
BronzeSFCBronzo, Dennis P.2012
BronzeCPTBrown, Eric C.2022
BronzeMSGBrowning, Vincent A. 2021
BronzeSFCBuchanan, Mary R.2021
Gold w/DMORCOLBurke, Dorothea M.2021
BronzeCPTBurnore, Nathanael O.2012
SIlverLTCBurnore, Nathanael O.2022
BronzeMSGBurns, Brian T.2015
SilverLTCBurris, Bradford2017
BronzeLTCBurrows, Amy2016
BronzeCPTButler, Brett M.2012
SilverCSMCallahan, Daniel J.2014
GoldCSMCallahan, Daniel J.2021
SilverSFCCalmes, Aaron L.2017
SilverLTCCampany, Eric M.2014
BronzeMr.Cardona, Jearin D.2018
GoldCSMCarney, Steven L.2014
SilverLTCCarr, Bradely2017
SilverCOLCartmill, Randall S.2017
SilverCSMCastelo, Fernan T.2010
BronzeLTCCastro, Daniel A.2015
GoldCOLCavanaugh, Brian M.2013
GoldCOLCeroli, Michael A.2014
BronzeMAJChilds, Geoffrey2018
SilverLTCClapsaddle, Aaron E.2018
SilverLTCClayton, Ralph L. III2011
BronzeCPTCockrell, Devon C.2012
BronzeSFCCogdill, David D.2013
BronzeMSGColabuno, Joseph2018
SilverLTCColon, Xavier2019
SilverCSMCondroski, John A.2010
Gold w/DMORCSMCondroski, John A.2015
BronzeMAJCook, Chaveso2016
SilverLTCCook, Michelle2017
BronzeLTCCook, Sean2013
BronzeMAJCoombs, Robert A.2021
BronzeGySGTCorrea, WIlliam2022
BronzeMAJCosme, Orlando V.2010
SilverSSGCourter, Ian J.2022
BronzeMAJCoutant, Ashley N.2021
BronzeMSGCruzsoto, Reynaldo J.2020
BronzeMAJCulligan, Michael T.2021
SilverLTCCullinane, Jason2019
BronzeCPTCunanan, Kevin S.2022
SilverLTCCurris, Robert A.B.2013
GoldCOLCurris, Robert A.B.2020
BronzeSFCDaniels, Eric B.2022
BronzeLTCDavenport, Richard B.2015
BronzeSGMDavis, Matthew R.2015
Gold w/DMORCPTDeGarzia, Alfred2014
BronzeMAJDe Jesus, Steven J.2021
BronzeLTCDe La Garza, Thomas R.2012
BronzeMAJDeal, Drew T.2022
Bronze1SGDean, Michael S.2021
BronzeMAJDesjardin, Randy2018
Gold w/DMORCOLDevlin, Daniel2017
BronzeMAJDew, Dustin R.2012
BronzeLTCDewey, Joseph A.2022
BronzeMAJDexter, Robert M.2012
BronzeCPTDiaz, Nathanael C.2012
BronzeSSGTDieckman, Taylor2022
GoldCOLDietz, Lawrence D.2010
BronzeMAJDifabio, Michael J.2014
BronzeMAJDillon, Patrick2013
BronzeSFCDouglas, Christopher D.2011
SilverLTCDulaney, Michael R.2012
Bronze1SGDunlop, Mark F.2020
SilverLTCDuprey, Andrew2017
BronzeSFCDyer, Derrick G.2014
SilverMSGDyer, Derrick G.2021
BronzeMAJEaster, Jonathan R.2020
Gold w/DMOR1LTEdelman, Daniel J.2023
Gold w/DMOR
Elwell, Douglas2014
SilverLTCEngelmeier, Sharon2021
Bronze1SGEnnis, Michael2013
BronzeSSGEscajadillo, Paul A.2022
Bronze1SGEsparza, Theodore S.2020
BronzeSFCEtchinson, Jamin B.2021
SIlverCOLEvans, Thomas H.2013
BronzeSFCEwing, Jonathan R.2022
Bronze1SGFabrizio, Gabrielle J.2010
SilverMSGFarrington, David M.2017
Gold w/DMORCOLFedorchak, Scott C.2012
SilverCSMFickett, Paul R.2011
BronzeMAJFifer, Michael S.2020
SilverLTCFisher, Edward J.2012
BronzeMSGFisher, James D.2013
Gold w/DMORMAJFitzpatrick, Timothy F.2013
BronzeMAJFlaherty, Ryan Q.2018
BronzeMAJFlemin, Leslye P.2021
BronzeCPTFlowers, Jason J.2022
BronzeCPTFonseca, Meridith A.2012
BronzeMAJFoote, Colin2021
BronzeMAJFoster, Amie M.2021
BronzeMAJFoxx, Gregory R.2013
SilverLTCFoxx, Gregory R.2020
Bronze1SGFrancis, Christopher C.2021
BronzeMSGFrazier, Jason J.2020
BronzeSFCGabel, Nicholas J.2015
BronzeSFCGackstetter, Melissa2013
BronzeSFCGalis, Anamaria2019
BronzeMAJGallagher, Stuart E.2021
SilverSGMGalvin, Matthew G.2014
GoldCOLGarcia, Victor G. Jr2020
BronzeCSMGarcia, Sael2021
BronzeMSGGarcia, Edgar A.2022
BronzeMAJGarritano, Dominic V.2020
GoldCSMGedeon, Michael P.2021
BronzeLTCGillespie, Benjamin J.2021
BronzeMSGGinos, Aleah2018
BronzeMAJGladding, Ryan S.2018
BronzeSFCGolcher, Matthew D.2022
SilverMs.Goldmann, Jeanne J.2014
SilverCOLGoldsmith, Stuart P.2012
Bronze1SGGonzalez, Pedro2019
BronzeMAJGoodwin, Trey C.2021
SilverLTCGraham, Wendy F.2011
BronzeLTCGreaver, Bradley S.2022
BronzeMAJGreen, Janelle2018
BronzeMSGGriffin, Dwayne S.2021
Bronze1SGGriffith, Erik D.2022
BronzeMAJGriggs, Christina2018
GoldCOLGrimes, John P.2017
SilverSGMGroover, Robert S.2014
Gold w/DMORCSMGroover, Robert S.2022
BronzeMAJGuerrero, Monique GK2012
BronzeSFCGuilloty, Bryan M.2012
BronzeSFCGulick, Daniel2022
GoldCOLGuy, Jack Jr.2014
BronzeMAJHager, Kyle A.2022
SilverLTCHakey, Raymond2016
BronzeSFCHall, Benjamin2012
BronzeSGMHall, Jody J.2013
BronzeSSGHall, Christopher W.2010
BronzeMAJHampton, Christopher B.2022
BronzeSFCHargett, David D.2022
SilverLTCHauser, Paul E.2014
BronzeMSGHawkins, Theodore2011
SilverSGMHenderson, Jerry2016
BronzeMAJHenson, Kyle D.2013
BronzeMSGHerbert, Michael B.2021
Gold w/DMORLTCHerczeg, Stephen2017
BronzeSSGHernandez, Yuri2013
SilverLTCHeuning, Timothy D.2011
GoldCOLHeuning, Timothy D.2022
GoldCSMHeupel, Neil C.2021
SilverCOLHickman, Kyle D.2014
BronzeCPTHijduk, Ronald2013
Gold w/DMORMSGHill, Timothy L.2014
BronzeSFCHiller, Christopher B.2014
Gold w/DMORCOLHobbs, Miguel B.2018
BronzeMAJHoke, Carson S.2010
SilverMAJHoke Carson S.2011
BronzeMAJHolzmann, Ashley F.2022
BronzeMAJHrovath, Brian R.2017
SilverLTCHorvath, Brian R. 2021
BronzeMAJHouston, Angela N.2020
BronzeMAJHoward, Clifford T.2017
BronzeLTCHrinko, Raymond2022
BronzeMAJHutin, SUszanna2017
SilverMSGHutson, Karl D.2013
BronzeMAJIsaacs, Russel2018
BronzeLTCJames, Anthony2021
BronzeCPTJames, Brady G.2022
Gold w/DMOR2LTJanowitz, Morris2015
BronzeMAJJanuary, Thomas2016
Bronze1SGJeffrey, Patrick J.2020
Gold w/DMOR1LTJenks, Robert D.2020
BronzeMAJJohnson, Eric B.2012
SilverSGMJohnson, Fred2017
BronzeMAJJohnson, Isaac D.2020
BronzeMAJJohnson, Travis D.2022
Bronze1SGJolly, Duane2013
BronzeSFCJones, Christina2017
Gold w/DMORCOLJones, Jeffrey B.2010
BronzeGySGTJones, Jeffrey D.2022
Bronze1SGJordan, Nicholas J.2013
BronzeSFCJordan, Shawn M.2020
Gold w/DMORLTCJordan, Douglas E.2020
BronzeSGMJoshua, Rodney J.2021
Gold w/DMORBGKarlstad, Charles H.2015
BronzeMAJKautz, Philip E.2021
Bronze1SGKeil, Brandon W.2020
BronzeLTCKeiser, Jonathan B.2011
Gold w/DMORLTCKeliher, James P.2017
BronzeSSGKendall, Casey A.2012
BronzeMSGKennedy, Jeffrey L.2016
SilverCOLKenner, Kris L.2010
Bronze1SGKeplinger, Jerrod R.2021
BronzeMAJKiernan, Carla A.2012
SilverLTCKim, Rustie W.2020
GoldSGMKing, Frank2016
BronzeLTCKinsella, Daniel J.2021
BronzeSFCKipp, Carl L.2013
BronzeMAJKirchhoff, Melanie2016
BronzeMAJKnie, Curtis T.2021
Bronze1SGKrubsack, Shaun E.2020
BronzeMSGKuhn, Jason D.2022
BronzeLTCKvaal, Steven A.2020
BronzeMSGLabuz, Wojciech J.2011
SilverCSMLabuz, Wojciech J.2017
BronzeMAJLamb, WIlliam L.2022
SilverSGMLambert, David W.2013
GoldCSMLangworthy, Donald E. II2015
BronzeMAJLanier, Jonathan E.2022
BronzeMAJLaRocque, Michael J.2022
Gold w/DMORCPTLauwers, Podoski B.2014
BronzeMAJLawhorn, Jeremy2018
SilverCOLLeahy, Bruce E.2011
Bronze1SGLee, Robert E.2014
BronzeMAJLee, Seon2021
BronzeMAJLeisenberg, John C.2021
BronzeLTCLene, Dennis S.2015
BronzeMGLengyel, Gregory2017
BronzeLTCLeuschner, Erik2012
Gold w/DMORCOLLeyda, Christopher L.2013
SilverLTCLieberson, David2013
BronzeMAJLinera Rivera, Rafael E.2012
BronzeSSGLinn, Matthew E.2012
Bronze1SGLinz, Eric F.2012
BronzeSSGLlanes, Juan C.2012
Bronze1SGLowrey, Chrisopher M.2017
Bronze1SGLudwick, Donald E.2020
SilverLTCLunt, Alfred E.2012
Gold w/DMORLTCLunt, Alfred E.2017
BronzeMSGLutz, John T.2012
SilverCSMLutz, John T.2021
SilverCOLLwin, Michael R.2012
BronzeMSGLyng, Kevin S.2011
BronzeCSMMaberry, Andrew2016
SilverCSMMabus, Courtney S.2010
GoldCSMMabus, Courtney S.
SilverCOLMann, David P.2022
BronzeSFCManuel, Donald J.2015
Gold w/DMORCOLMarkham, John2016
BronzeSGMMartin, Anthony J.2011
SilverSGMMartin, Mary T.2014
BronzeMAJMartin, Morgan A.2022
BronzeSFCMaurer, Justin B.2021
BronzeCSMMay, Lawrence G.2020
BronzeMSGMcAmis, Jason B.2017
BronzeMAJMcCarthy, Patrick M.2011
GoldCOLMcCarthy, Patrick M.2022
Gold w/DMORMGMcClure, Robert A.2013
BronzeLTCMcCrackine, Travis E.2022
GoldCSMMcDougal, Patrick M.2022
BronzeSGMMcFarland, Jeffrey T.2020
BronzeSFCMcinnis, Daniel P.2011
BronzeSFCMcKay, Joshua2013
BronzeCPTMcWilliams, Joseph2019
BronzeMSGMejia, Lilian J.2013
GoldSGMMendenhall, Brent2013
Bronze1SGMiddlebrook, Kenneth W.2015
SilverLTCMillan, Joel2021
BronzeLTCMillay, John2019
BronzeMSGMiller, Michael2011
SilverCSMMiller, Thomas L.2014
BronzeMAJMiller, Mark E.2021
Bronze1SGMiller, Justin D.2022
BronzeCPTMilligan, Thomas J.2022
BronzeLTCMishina, James 2012
BronzeMSGMitchell, Mark P.2021
BronzeMSGMonroes, James D.2015
Bronze1SGMontesanto, Jason J.2018
Bronze1SGMoore, Charles R.2012
BronzeSFCMoore, Ryan K.2022
BronzeMSGMorehead, Joshua J.2022
Bronze1SGMowbray, George A.2022
BronzeSGMMurphy, BJ2020
SilverLTCMushtare, Jeremy S.2015
BronzeLTCMyers, Kevin2013
SilverLTCMyers, Kevin2016
BronzeMAJMyers, Mark E.2017
BronzeCPTNasi, Jamie O.2013
BronzeLTCNavarro, Andree2016
SilverCSMNeedham, Jody2018
BronzeSSGNelson, Gerad A.2012
BronzeCPTNelson, Rebecca2017
BronzeSFCNicolayev, Seth M.2012
BronzeMAJNiehoff, Benjamin W.2022
BronzeCPTNilson, Andrew D.2012
BronzeMAJNintzel, Brendan T.2022
BronzeMAJNordan, Walker E.2012
SilverLTCNordan, Walker E.2017
SilverSGMNussbaumer, Paul M.2012
BronzeLTCO'Donnell, Troy2012
BronzeMAJOelschlager, Patricia J.2022
BronzeMAJOh, Amos Y.2012
BronzeCPTOledan, Marco D.2012
BronzeSGTO'Neil, John "Jack"2014
BronzeMAJOng, Kevin G.2021
Bronze1SGOrtiz, Luis E.2015
BronzeMSGOsborne, Jason W.2011
BronzeMAJOtwell, Robby R.2021
GoldSGTOwen, Michael G.2014
Gold w/DMORCOLPaddock, Alfred H.2010
Silver1SGPapazis James, L.2013
SilverCSMParrish, Michael2011
BronzeCPTPatterson, Pattrick2013
BronzeMSGPayan, Carlos A.2022
BronzeCPTPelaez, Mark2017
SilverLTCPelczarski, John R.2012
BronzeSGMPeterson, Joshua A.2022
BronzeSSGPhillip, Gabrielle J.2021
GoldLTCPimble, Charles 2013
BronzeMAJPopp, Lauren M.2022
SilverCPTPorter, Steven M.2017
BronzeMAJPotts, Andrew A.2012
Bronze1SGPritchett, Stephen C.2022
Bronze1SGProulx, Jeffrey K.2010
BronzeLTCQuinn, Anthony2017
BronzeSFCRamirez, Gracie L.2012
SilverLTCRamos, Carlos2017
BronzeMAJRastello, Erik A.2021
BronzeMAJRedmond, Matthew G.2020
BronzeLTCReed, Jeffrey C.2021
BronzeMSGRees, Thomas H.2010
SilverLTCReid, Monica M.2017
Bronze1SGRelyea, Dennis B.2013
SilverCOLRenda, John S.2013
BronzeSFCRenfrow, Norman A.2012
BronzeSFCReno, Charles T.2022
BronzeLTCReynoso, Jesus2018
BronzeCPTRhee, Bryan2013
BronzeLTCRhoads, Sheldon O.2018
Bronze1SGRichardson, Bryan2019
BronzeSFCRichie, Giovanni M.2022
BronzeSFCRiggs, Daniel P.2020
BronzeCPTRingler, Nicholas S.2012
BronzeMAJRivera, Richard2012
BronzeSFCRivera, Victor2012
Bronze1SGRivera, Efrain M.2022
BronzeSFCRivera Salinas, Richard2012
Bronze1SGRobbins, Logan M.2022
BronzeSFCRoberson, Ryan M.2022
BronzeMAJRoberts, Darren R.2022
BronzeMSGRodrigues, Martin2022
Bronze1SGRodriquez, Rosalynn2018
BronzeMAJRodriquez, Jose L.2010
BronzeMAJRogers, Matthew J.2021
BronzeSFCRohwer, Donald G.2012
BronzeLTCRoper, Larry "Alan"2019
BronzeSFCRoscoes, James R.2012
BronzeLTCRosenberry, Brinton H.2012
SilverLTCRosenberry, Brinton H.2012
BronzeSGMRubick, Scott2013
Bronze1SGRublaitus, Jason2013
SilverMAJRuiz, Angela L.2020
BronzeSFCRussell, WIlliam A.2022
BronzeMAJRyu, Cameron J.2018
BronzeMAJSadoun, Anfrew A.2020
SilverLTCSalada, WIlfredo P.2022
SilverLTCSalazar, David2017
BronzeMAJSamuelian, Edward K.2022
BronzeSSGSanchez, Christopher D.2012
BronzeSFCSanchez, Martin J.2012
BronzeLTCSanchez, Rosa C.2015
BronzeMAJSander, Jane W.2012
GoldSPCSantos, Jonathan J.2014
SilverLTCSantucci, Steven M.2021
BronzeSFCSawhill, Cody P.2022
SilverLTCSchaad, Michael2019
BronzeMAJSchaller, Oliver H.2017
BronzeMSGSchildt, Erik J.2020
BronzeLTCSchilling, Christopher L.2017
SilverLTCSchilling, Christopher L.2018
BronzeLTCSchmidt, Mark R.2011
Gold w/DMORCOLSchoenhaus, Robert M.2013
SilverLTCSchoennauer, Eric M.2012
BronzeSFCSchrader, Aaron T.2022
BronzeMSGSchultz, Richard D.2014
GoldCOLScott, Jeffrey L.2015
BronzeSGMSeagraves, John M.2012
SilverSGMSeagraves, John M.2012
BronzeMSGSedillo, Danielle2017
BronzeMAJSeese, Gregory S.2012
Bronze1SGSegebart, Josiah S.2022
Gold w/DMORCOLSeidl, Michael K.2021
SilverCOLSentell, Robert2019
BronzeSFCSeppelt, David E.2021
BronzeMSGShepherd, Christopher J.2021
BronzeMSGSherratt, Carolyn L.2013
SilverSGMSherratt, Carolyn L.2020
BronzeLTCShick, Jason M.2022
BronzeSFCShifflett, John C.2022
BronzeMSGShook, WIlliam2019
BronzeSFCSierra, Jesus L.2012
BronzeSFCSkildum, Nicholas J.2012
SilverMSGSloan, Christopher D.2022
BronzeSFCSmith, Benjamin J.2012
BronzeMAJSmith, Jason E.2010
SilverCOLSmith, Jason E.2022
BronzeMAJSmith, Kevin E.2020
BronzeSGMSolano, Roger2017
BronzeMAJSomoza, Antonio G.2021
BronzeCOLSorenson, Nils C.2013
SilverLTCSouther, Jeffrey J.F.2021
SilverLTCSouthard, Aaron J.2022
GoldSSGSpawr, Clarence V.2014
SilverLTCSpringett, Richard D.2010
Gold w/DMORCOLSpringett, Richard D.2022
Gold w/DMORCOLSt. John, Christopher E.2013
BronzeMAJStangle, Christopher D.2012
Gold w/DMORCSMStein, Michael W.2012
SilverLTCSterbutzel, Robert P.2014
BronzeMAJStone, Michael A.2010
BronzeMSGStopher, David E.2012
BronzeCOLStover, Bryan L.2021
GoldCOLSumme, Jack N.2010
Bronze1SGSutterfield, Eric B.2020
SilverSGMSutton, Eric R.2012
Bronze1SGTapia, Jose R.2022
SilverCOLTasler, Wayne2014
BronzeMAJTaylor, Benjamin2018
Bronze1SGTaylor, William D.2021
Bronze1SGTelfer, Brian J.2021
BronzeMSGThomas, Eugene2018
SilverMSGThorpe, Phillip A.2020
BronzeSSGTillotson, Nathan L.2022
Gold w/DMORCOLTimmes, Thomas A.2013
Bronze1SGTodd, Jess T.2011
BronzeMAJTope, Michelle2013
BronzeMSGTravis, Christian A.2012
Gold w/DMORCOLTreadwell, James A.2014
BronzeSGMTroublefield, Troy2018
SilverSGMTrujillo, Richard D.2021
BronzeMAJTucker, Megan A.2022
BronzeSGMTurkal, John A.2010
SilverCSMTurkal, John A.2017
GoldCOLTurner, Ken2014
Bronze1SGUrlanda, Michael Anvelo V.2022
BronzeSFCValenzuela, Julia2013
BronzeSSGVandenberg, Nathan2013
BronzeMSGVanzandt, Robert E.2010
BronzeMSGVasatka, Christopher2014
SilverCOLVenhaus, John M.2012
BronzeMSGVernon-Spivey, Carrie I.2012
SilverMSGVernon-Spivey, Carrie I.2014
Gold w/DMORMSGVernon-Spivey, Carrie I.2020
BronzeMSGViburs, Eric2018
BronzeMSGVick, Elsa2013
BronzeMSGVick, Michael L.2013
BronzeSFCVinglas, Adam J.2012
SilverCSMVirden, Brad E.2011
BronzeMAJVogelsong, Benjamin R.2021
BronzeSFCWade, John M.2012
Bronze1SGWalker, Clayton2013
BronzeMSGWalters, Nicholas S.2022
Gold w/DMORCOLWaple, Louis A.2015
BronzeLTCWatwood, Robert K.2022
SilverLTCWeatherford, Darrell J.2011
BronzeMSGWeck, William R.2017
BronzeCPTWei, Keith S.2012
SilverLTCWelch, Marcus S.2018
GoldMs.Weltz, Debra2012
BronzeCPTWestby, Tara2019
BronzeLTCWhatley, James A.2011
BronzeSFCWhitby, Michael O.2022
BronzeMAJWhitney, Erin A.2012
Gold w/DMORCSMWhittaker, Rudy
SilverCOLWieler, Robert2012
Bronze1SGWilkerson, Daniel A.2021
BronzeLTCWilliams, Christopher J.2017
SilverMSGWilliams, Kevin S.2020
BronzeCSMWIlliams, Jerry L.2021
BronzeCPTWilliford, James R.2022
BronzeMSGWorth, Brian S.2020
SilverLTCWyatt, Richard D.2012
BronzeMAJWyman, Trisha E.2021
BronzeMAJYanikov, John F.2021
SilverLTCYarbrough, Brian J.2014
BronzeCPTYoung, Marquise D.2022
SilverLTCZacherl, Andrew M.2013
GoldCOLZacherl, Andrew M.2019
BronzeSFCZdanuk, Agniezzka A.2012
BronzeSGMZick, Jared M.2011
BronzeMAJZiobro, Mathew2013